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Ernö Rubik

Designer:Ernö Rubik
Award Winning Games:Spiel des Jahres: Sonderpreis 'Das beste Solitärspiel' (Special Award: Best Solitary Game)Rubik 's Cube (1980)
Biography:1944 born in Budapest
                    father is air plane engineer
                    mother is literature scientist
                    art study
                    architectural study at the TU Budapest
                    lecturer forinterior decoration and furniture design
1980 special price "Das beste Solitairspiel" for "Rubik's Cube"

Published games

Illusion1989MatchboxErnö RubikBoard 
Rubik 's Cube1975ArxonErnö RubikBoard 
Rubik 's Magic1986MatchboxErnö RubikBoard 
Rubik's 3602009JumboErnö RubikBoard 
Rubik's Dice1990MatchboxErnö RubikBoard 

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